At TLC we strive to raise our children in the instruction of the Lord. (Eph. 6:2). This is exactly our aim as a youth group team, we strive to enable parents to raise their children in godly teaching and instruction. We do this by living life with the youth and entering their world.


Amplify will meet on Sunday evenings from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm. If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out to Jason Conley at 513-519-4470 or Email Jason.


We also hold events that are open to all youth. We simply enjoy going out and having fun, the ultimate symbol of being youth. Some of these events are camping, canoeing, competing in games, and many more. These events are open to all youth and are a great way to introduce youth to our team and feel more comfortable being around the Church.

Upcoming Events:

You can receive all Amplify updates by joining our Remind group on the Remind app. Get the Remind app and put in the class code @bd6gf7 to join today! 

Find us on Instagram at tlcc_amplify_youth_ministry