God’s Word is perfect, relevant, and unchanging. We believe God’s Word has authority over our lives. We believe God’s Word:
Bonded by the covenant Jesus made with us:
Love is a group effort. We love together as one community,
Love is transparent. We don’t cover our own sins (only Jesus covers sin).
We hold each other accountable to the life Christ calls us to as an act of love, by being transparent, accountable, together.
We believe in our Life Groups and God’s work in them.
The home symbolizes the every-day living. This is where we must live for Christ, not just in the Church building.
We will commit to walk with each other in our physical, emotional, and spiritual hurts.
Joys: We celebrate joys together
Sorrows: We celebrate sorrows as we remember the hope we have in Christ
Gospel: We celebrate the greatest gift we have ever received.
We have been received into God’s Family by grace through faith alone. Therefore we will be:
We will be a people who live our lives as Christ-followers knowing that it is all by grace. It is by God’s grace that we will grow to be more like Jesus.
It is grace that motivates us to live lives that honor Jesus. We desire to be motivated by God’s grace rather than condemnation and guilt.
We will be a church that is multi-denominational. We desire for all people who belong to Jesus to worship and serve together. We will cling to essential beliefs, but extend grace to non-essential beliefs.
Jesus’ last command will be our first priority because he has authority. Therefore we will:
We want our people to make disciples as they go. “Going” means that disciple-making is not just in the four walls of the building, but as you go about your daily life.
As believers in Christ, we have been changed by the Gospel. Therefore, we will reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Learning to be more like Jesus, we will:
We will use our resources to train and encourage Christ-followers to take the gospel to their neighbors and the ends of the earth.
We will be a church that serves others because God first served us. We will serve:
We will be generous in our resources, time, and energy.
We will serve through organized service projects, while at the same time, empowering and encouraging each other to seize opportunities to serve on their own.
We will ask the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, empower, and fill us as we serve.